Classes starting 1 April 2024
Easter Monday (1 April): Mysore class 09:00-11:00am
Monday to Friday: Mysore class 07:00-10:00 am
Saturday: Led class 09:00-10:30 am
No classes on moon days
Doors open: 06:30 am
Latest start time: 8:30 am
Opening mantra: 07:00 am
Beginners start time: 07:45 am
Location: @Yoga Futura, Kreuzbergstr. 30 (Viktoriahof), 10965 Berlin, 2. Aufgang last building in the far back, press bell for 3 seconds
About us
Saskia Randt & Miho Reineke
We are both level 2 authorised Ashtanga yoga teachers and received the blessing to teach this method from our teacher Sharath Jois in the same season in 2016 in Mysore, India. Since then, we have been teaching in Berlin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt and San Francisco and have paired and teach at our shared Mysore programme in the Bergmannkiez in Berlin-Kreuzberg.