(4) Events

(4) Events

Introduction workshop: Why Mysore?

The traditional Method of practicing Ashtanga Yoga is named after the city Mysore in South India. Unlike led classes where everyone moves through the sequence simultaneously, students practice at their own pace, moving through the Ashtangasequence independently while the teacher provides individualised guidance and adjustments.

Practicing Ashtanga Yoga in a traditional Mysore setting provides a holistic approach to yoga that fosters physical, mental, and spiritual growth over time. 

In this workshop we want to approach the concept of a Mysore practice step by step. Everyone is welcome, absolute beginners and experienced yoga practitioners. Previous experience in Ashtanga is not required.

Join our introduction workshop and find out!

Saturday, May 11 from 14:00-15:30

Price: € 30

If you are interested get in touch with us through our contact form, email us through ashtangakreuzberg@gmail.com or send us a dm on instagram


Introduction workshop: Why Mysore?

Introduction workshop: Why Mysore?

Introduction workshop: Why Mysore?

© Saskia Randt & Miho Reineke

© Saskia Randt & Miho Reineke

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